Category: Healing plants & trees

My Kweme earrings. On the left from the hard inner shell, and on the left from the outer inner shell.
Healing plants & trees

My Kweme earrings

A new and wonderful project started when one day I walked into the kitchen just as the chef finished cracking the unique Kilimanjaro oyster nuts for his famous sauce. I looked at the empty shells with their rich texture and immediately knew what I was going to create from them…

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Chagga tribe grandmother holding the nuts she harvested in her farm
Healing plants & trees

Oyster nuts – super food of the Kilimanjaro

Oyster nuts are a tasty and highly nutritious super food, and everything about them fascinates me. Kweme in Swahili, it’s definitely another one of Mother Earth’s wonders and a special gift to the mountain dwellers. The nuts, that grow inside a kind of a giant green gourd, have a unique connection to the heritage of the Chagga tribe among which I live…

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Healing plants & trees

The healing plants of mount Meru

A short hike along the Temi River on the slopes of Mount Meru in Tanzania, turned into a tour through the healing plants and trees of Africa. We were amazed to discover how many healing uses exist, often more than one use for the same plant! Let’s take a peek into the abundant gifts of Mama Africa!

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