Celebrating Indigenous women

Today is Indigenous Women's day 2024. I take this opportunity to celebrate and show my gratitude to all the tribeswomen who teach me and inspire me since my first time being back with mama Africa in 1993!

Indigenous Women's day 2024

Indigenous women taught me more about womanhood than I ever learnt growing up.

They know their inner strength,
they’re rooted deeply in their intuition,
they understand the power of sisterhood.

They are the mothers, healers, grandmothers, midwifes, artists, leaders.

They are the heart of the family, the communal ceremonies, the community all together.

They are the peace makers.  

They do everything together, never alone.
They are entrepreneurs, they are wise and strong.

They are anything but helpless.

I’m grateful to be in their presence every day!

In the picture:

My Sandawe family. Mother child and grandmother.

Grandma is a midwife, Mother is a healer& shop keeper.
Baby is both my son and my baby brother.

Don’t ask, African family relations are complicated…

Picture of Ella


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Celebrating Indigenous women
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About Me

Hi, I’m the Wandering Goddess.

My life in a nutshell – B.A. in anthropology, a life changing one year journey in East Africa at 26, followed by Shamanic initiation, tribal wisdom & femininity studies, then, giving in-depth workshops for women and girls, tribal storytelling to children… And at 50, coming back to my Mama Africa to bring you more inspiration on our original way of life.

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